Sunday, 16 January 2011

Narnia and butterflies.......

right, so it's the 8th and I'm still official looker-after-er of my family while my parents are enjoying themselves in Paris........the cheek of some people, honestly!

anyway, it was a good little brother is still on his holidays from school so I grabbed him, got hold of my nan and decided that we should get lunch in town......turned into an extremely good day!

well here I am in my random outfit for the day with a butterfly on my face.........I think it's alright, but I'd prefer to give it another try at somepoint just so the wings could look a bit more decorative........unless you like it, in which case thanks! ;)

ah yes, before meeting for lunch I wanted to check our comic shop for any new arrivals........but um yeah, instead of telling you what I bought I want to show you these amazing t-shirts......
slight problem though, I have no idea who made/designed/where the heck they're from so yeah before I get into masses of trouble =>
these t-shirts are copyright to whoever the heck has a copyright on them, if anyone knows then I'd love to be told as it would make my life easier......I think, anyway no yelling at me for stealing whatever is yours ok? It's copyright to you, I'm just posting them because I liked them.......okkies?

so yeah........I think I will actually comment on my marvelous comic find today, I got House of Mystery, Fallen Angle, a Fables and I almost bought the Baltimore comics that my brother insists are his to buy and that I can only read if I do things for him =_=;;
yeah, I just nick them and put them back when I'm done.........heh not a lot for a comic hunt so I ended up diving into some of the comics at home, ended up re-reading Petrefax, read a few Heavy Metals, 2000AD's (I found odd issues, I think I need to actually organise these one day...), Lucifer's and Sandman's......
does anyone know where I can find 'Book of Magic' comics? Just I was sure I had the entire thing, but I literally can only find 3 issues which either means they've been moved without me knowing or they're just hiding from me in the hope that I'll get a life and stop reading them.........meh, but yeah any help is appreciated! :-D

so this is how I look today............I said it was random, so no comments asking what the heck I was thinking okkies?
Random butterfly belt that I found somewhere and bought obviously! 3 layer tea towel scarf from Camden, random dress was a present I believe.......either that or I have no memory of ever buying it O_O;;
oh yeah my cardy too.......

a wonderful pose today to show just how strange I can be......or not.......hmm?
anyway, as you can see there's an abandoned Wii on my left and a Devils Ivy on my right........

smug twit........heh sometimes I just wish I didn't decide to make this blog as I always look a fool in photo's...
but yeah, there's the butterfly.........I need to invest in red day, when I'm bothered enough to find it.................

Oh yeah! I went to see Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn's great!! heh I still have the video's by the BBC of all of Narnia movies and I can definitely say this was amazing!! It was great when the Sea Monster appeared as I kept remembering the card board thing with a wierd balloon head with big eyes from the BBC version the entire way through and actually had to stop myself from laughing........anyway, it's a great film so I suggest you go watch it or find a DVD if it's out or heck.......why not read the book?!
too much effort? ah well, so much for me trying to help out a good book.......

but yeah that's all for was a lot of fun, but now I need to find my old videos and maybe a tv that still plays videos back home?

byes xxxxxxxxx

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