Sunday, 30 January 2011

I'm back! So here's 17-22nd week posts!

Right so this is the entire blog collection for the 17th - 22nd..........
I realise I'm 2 weeks behind, but I had a lot of work to complete and hand in for my degree this as an apology and because I've finished and handed everything in, I'm doing all of the posts so you'll have an entire week to view and read about..........this is a one time thing, although if I hit another deadline again this will probably be the end result of weeks of no don't give up and think I've up and quit, as I haven't and I'll always explain why I'm behind or why there hasn't been any just keep looking or wait for me to explain as I'm not leaving this until I've completed 365 designs!!!
So if you're willing to continue with me through the 365, then thankyou and hopefully I'll make your time reading this worth it!

So let's start with monday 17th January........

Right well on monday I was still experimenting with resin and mould I tried was such an epic fail I'm not even sure why I've posted it, you see I forgot to block up any holes in the sculpture with clay so the latex had made an exact mould around my little piper......
So I had to carefully peel it off after rubbing it in washing up liquid so it didn't stick together, then when I hit areas where it was literally wrapped around an arm I had to make small cuts with my scissors leaving these little holes all around the mould........
for a first try, the thickness and shape are fine........but for the fact that I forgot to block up bits and make it a dominant mould it was a failed try..........I'm still going to attempt it again, but yeah I now know how to do that better :)

Well this is me for monday, I had my Darling top on with all it's droopy flowers, my gold waistecoat, cross from Notre Dam and my awesome earrings!

oh yeah, also my belted boots........but you can't really see them here

todays design, to go with the pattern on my dress/top eyeliner, pink metallic by Barry M, silver glitter, green glitter with a little green mascara to make the colour darker........

see!!! Aren't the earrings cool?!?! You can't wear them twice though! They're fine for a day and night, but if you then try to wear them the next day your ear feels like it's actually ripping in half........still, soooooo worth it! I love BIG earrings! :)

My pretties <3

Ah yes, this was to do with my art work...........see for the theme of the Uncanny, I had looked at Siamese incase you're still confused, my friend here 'Carlene' is posing two different positions but keeping her hips vaguely similar........what I did next with these, is I cut diagonally through this picture and matched it to the next picture so it looked like she herself was a conjoined really worked as well, I'm just annoyed that I forgot to take a picture as now I can't touch it until 2 weeks are up, but nevermind.........

ok, so that was monday..............byes xxxxxxxxxx

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