Tuesday, 4 January 2011

1st of January 2011

Ok so after New years eve festivities........well I had been up till 4am, so I was VERY tired..........I ended up getting up at 11 am and well after saying hi to family and doing the whole breakfast as a family thing, yeah I went back to sleep till 2pm..............I realise how lazy that sounds but I cannot run without enough sleep and I'm not a morning person in the slightest so all of these things added to the fact that I didn't want to get up :(

But yeah, I ended up just being very simple today as I was going no where, doing nothing and seeing no one except my lovely family and pets..........

if you haven't guessed then I question your logic - obviously this is a number one design for the first day of January 2011..........simple but straight to the point, it also brings about the fact that numbers are incredibly easy and very showy when done in bright or bold colours.......... this is also (minus the '1') how I actually look as I have no make up on.......heh oh the utter shame of it all! ;)

yep this is me being comfy......long black top with long black sleeves, black skinnies and most importantly my slippers...........yeah this was a real dossing day - ended up playing Scrabble as is the tradition with my family.........I started the game with a really good word and thought for once in my life I might actually manage to beat my mum at it!! But no it was not meant to be, I went from a mega awesome score to last place =_=;;
See losing at Scrabble is my tradition during the new Year, my grandad was exceptional at it, my parents are the king and queen of the game, my brother is a loud mouth show off who cheats whenever possible and then there's me - struggling to get rid of large numbered tiles, trying desperately to make words that will raise my score and just in general floundering around and wondering how the Scrabble gene somehow skipped me?

After all that mess, we simply sat down to a chinese takeaway (my brother and I were soooo happy!) and watched random movies and TV shows that were on......again not an exciting night but a wonderful one that's just fun while comfy........

Anyway, this is very simple...........start off with I drew the outline of number '1' in black liquid eyeliner, then bulk up the outline........then I filled it in with metalic gold Barry M eyeliner.......simple really :)

Well these are my slippers...........I will not allow anyone to say bad things about them, as they're cute, warm, comfy and frankly rather funny to walk around in.......so yeah, that was my first of January :)


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