Friday, 12 November 2010

Visual Art....or is it music?

Ok.....well today was all about shapes and colours.......and for some reason music also came into it!

So, lets start!!

So here I am my cardigan that I sewed all the tiny bits and buttons on :) My desigual T-shirt dress.....long stripey T-shirt from gap......Jeans from Dot P's and my Topshop shoes.....

Showing you all the tiny bits on the cardigan!! :-D

My lovely dress and part of my inspiration today!!

Ta dah!! Circles!! XD Heh......let's eyeliner, blue No.5 eyeliner, Glitter eyeliner by Eyeko and random pink eyeliner.......

Ok, so today I was doing some research on Paul Klee, Igor Stravinsky and Len Lye.........Paul Klee did these cubist/abstract pieces of work based on Stravinsky's music......
I found a quote that explained how Paul Klee had done cubism works and how Paul Klee described most of his work as 'polyphonic' and how the presence in the works were multi-dimensional simutaniously (he's basically explained what polyphonic means, it's a music term for when there are two or more different melodies going on at the same time!) The quote then goes on to say how it's hardly surprising then that Stravinsky's music is often called 'Cubistic'.
I'm not sure whether I've confused you all or inspired you to look up either of these gents, but you really should as this type of art that Paul Klee did to Stravinsky's music is literally where you're using colour and shapes to show how the music affects you and where you can hear and feel the different shapes and colours..........It's very well known that music has colours......well, it is if you have studied music  I guess ^_^;; For instance, there are select chords that can be played and when you hear them you can just picture what colour that would favourite is yellow, although it's been so long since I've done this that I couldn't tell you what the actual chord for yellow is =_=;
Len Lye is the creator of many animations to do with music......Jazz animation is one that I'd suggest to look up.......he's quoted saying once
“One of my art teachers put me onto trying to find my own art theory. After many morning walks…an idea hit me that seemed like a complete revelation. It was to compose motion, just as musicians compose sound. The idea was to lead me far, far away from wanting to excel in…traditional art.”
He enjoyed using mixed media and saw modern art as the best way to show kinetic sounds........

So yeah, when I looked at my face art today I started thinking about what sounds they'd best's an odd experience but quite entertaining as I kept doing small doodles while I listened to my ipod to see what shapes I thought of when something played........

Ah necklaces.......this was bought for me ages ago by my nan and's very pretty and if I look at it in the sense of how I've started seeing shapes in music again, well I'll leave that to you.....especially as what I keep imagining changes as I think of other different sounds that would work ^_^;;

Oh yeah!! I had to post this!!! I have a Hello Kitty Calender!!! XD I realise I'm such a child, but it is almost December, which means it's almost christmas and well I love christmas!! :-D so know you want this ;)

Heh my motto for today as I was doing a lot of ink work on wet paper which is hellish if you don't think - right I've done that mark there's no taking it back how do I make it work? Luckily I can think that, so I enjoy ink work......just I had the fact that it stains your nails and makes you look like some kind of wierdo =_=;;
So yeah, Keep calm and carry on everyone!!
This was todays blog, hope you liked it
Tutty Bye xxxx

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