Hi everyone.....well as promised no matter what yesterdays blog is being posted!! Heh plus, I feel soooooo much better from getting an early night yesterday so thanks for not complaining!! ^_^;; But yeah......so lets get started...
Welp, today I had lectures.....which normally I don't have a problem with but this one got me really annoyed......I don't know why, but for the entire lecture I just kept thinking that the theory made no sense what so ever......heh I'll explain, the basic idea was that once the author wrote something the author died and the writing lived, so basically the author should remain anonimous as they had no right to be authorative and take over your expectations of the piece of literature or art........I can understand that with some things and I guess the best way to describe my take on it is for example a piece of music by Elgar - once you know it's by elgar you already have a good idea that it's going to have polyphonic parts (not sure if I spelt that right :S) so there will be loads of different lines of music playing different things to the other - which would lead you to already realise that what ever this piece was it would be difficult to get right on a first try.....so by knowing it's elgar, if the piece was actually a simple monophonic work you'd be really surprised and probably disappointed by it (although I'm not sure that you'd listen to elgar if it disappointed you....) But yeah......so I can understand it from that point of view, but there are (once again looking at it from a music point of view) a lot of works that I've found out the composer and that hasn't affected how I've taken the music at all! But yeah, apparently I should look at it more from an art and literature point of view, but whenever they argued with me this was the only way I could explain how confused I was.......
So rather than stay confused I've written down two books that the person in question wrote and I'm going to buy them and read them for the fact that I want to understand where he's coming from so that the next time we talk about this I'll actually be able to contribute to the lecture with a decent and fair arguement rather than just rambling on and on about experiences with music ^_^;;
So yeah.....already not a great start, but my friend Carlene was determined to cheer me up so we went round town after doing some more work.....
Well this was my outfit for the day......yes I know my shoes look like slippers, but I could only find my orange socks =_=;; But yeah, tis a jumper dress from Topshop, a t-shirt dress underneath by H&M, jeans from Dot P's, shoes by Draven from Office (where I'm standing ;-P ), bag from River Island, Gloves River Island, Hat from River Island, Cross belonged to my mum ages ago before she let me have it......it's made from a fork!! XD
Ok, well I'm a BIG comic fan........I actually have the Sandman comics by Neil Gaiman, but I haven't read them in ages as I had to store all my comics away (yes I own enough different comics to have to find storage space for them =_=;; ) BUT!!! I found my sandman comics again today......so yeah, first idea that popped into my head was Lady Death!!! She's soooo cool, although I've noticed that my fringe is kinda like Deliriums hair.....this made my dad laugh actually today as he noticed that as well.....I do love delirium, but lady death has very cool make up.......so yeah I attempted what actually looks like gothy style make up.....which normally I'm terrible at, hence I was actually quite pleased with this!
Ok so here's the right eye.....the reason I say I'm bad at gothy stuffs is because normally it all has to be symmetrical, which I can do with most things on my face - except for curls and curves - as I can never get them to match equally.....drawing the eyelashes on my face and getting them to match, heck yeah I can do that, but the whole dragging the line down your nose and black tears down your cheeks.....well yeah, I'll leave them to the proffesional goth wearers!
But yeah just ordinary black eyeliner......
the curl is only on the right eye because she has an egyptian look to that one, because obviously she's been around for AGES.......the ank (if I've spelt it wrong then sorry!) is because she always has one round her neck......
yeah.....the entire black is eyeliner, but as eyeliner cracks during the day I covered it while still wet in black eye shadow too so that it all cakes and stays on the eye without smudging or colouring the top of the eye......a trick I learnt in sixth form with glitter liquid eyeshadows.....
tried to make it as even as possible....
tada!! See the reason why I normally avoid such looks.....as cool as I thought I looked today, I knew that I'd mucked up the left eye =_= but yeah, at least I tried and now I can only get better! XD
My shoes to prove that they're not slippers and to show that they are awesome! XD They're actually a size too long for my feet, but believe me the actual size that I should wear was for some reason too tight! I haven't a clue why, but for that fact they make my feet look extremely LONG......hence I don't wear them often as if I bump into my nan she says 'Why are you wearing your flippers?' XD Which is an awesome confidence boost!!
My awesome cross/ank......it is seriously made of a fork and is awesome, although for some reason ages ago a random person in the street asked if I was religious.......strange question and one I didn't answer as he would have probably just come up with something else to ask me.......
I love this necklace.....it's just awesome! XD
But yeah.......that was yesterdays blog, hope it was worth the wait! xxxxx
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