Thursday, 4 November 2010


Right.....well I did it again =_=;;  Yep, I missed a day......but to be fair I had gone out that night with some friends who had come back from far off uni' you'll forgive me I'm sure ;-D

Ok, so the date for this blog is actually.........the 3rd of November........

Right well, this was my design for's a Heartless Knight from Kingdom of Hearts..........yeah, I'm secretly a nerd :-P

Oh yeah, you will understand with the next picture........but I got this bow from Expo and well it matches a certain important part of my outfit that inspired me for the day!

TA DA!! heh I bought a T-shirt at Expo that say's 'Heartless need love too' which brings tear to your eye when you've played Kingdom of Hearts, as you're bashing the critters this way and that way......
My cardigan, well I have no idea where I got that from :-S But the skirt is from Dot P's, infact so are my skinnies :)

Close up a friend tried to take for me.......the foot was starting to rub away as I accidentally almost spilt my drink down me in town......I didn't in the end, but I had to wipe my mouth......hence I had to fix his foot afterwards.......I know it's only a tiny smudge but stuff like that bugs me, so I had to fix it!

I used Black eyeliner, Blue glitter, Blue No.5 eyeliner, Eyeko Glitter eyeliner and my pink eyeliner.......

Fixed it! :-3 Heh, I loved drawing him......all the lines and showing the shape of the body.......heh I need to do more people on my face I think.........

Yeah, this is what everyone in town saw..............I managed to get 6 people stopping me and asking if it was a tattoo.......they all seemed upset that it was just eyeliner??

Oh yeah..........I mentioned that my friends came back right? well I went out for that night with them like this! Heh yeah, we went to see is probably one of the most amazing films I have seen lately, I would definitely say that whoever you are and whatever you're into *GO SEE THIS MOVIE* as it's so funny and clever and just James Bondie but at the same time more real.......I honestly can't explain it as I'll start having to type up SPOILER signs, which bugs me as as soon as you read SPOILER ALERT you HAVE to keep would be so much easier if people just went - liked the movie, if you'd like me to explain what it's about then message me and I'll tell you-
So yeah, go see it!!! I absolutely LOVED the paranoid old man, he's just amazing! :-D

So yeah, that was my day and my design........So let me leave you with this motivational message - HEARTLESS NEED LOVE TOO! So if you see one, please just give it a hug and let it know that although you were bashing its head in with a keyblade you really do care about it.......xxxxxxx


  1. I saw this know coz i went to dinner and stuff with you XD

    guess who i am Merc, guess!

  2. You are Tom, I know this for the fact that you told me tonight =_=;; how is it possible that I didn't realise this was your excited voice in typed form??
    Glad you liked it sweety xxxx
