Ok, well this was fridays post.......sorry I've had some late nights again......
But yeah, I was in the life drawing room for the entire day again.......although I was looking at the colour wheel, with how different secondary and primary colours work together......also how emotive colours can be.......for an example and so I don't sound like I'm making this up, I'm posting a painting that I did in the life drawing room......

Well, this is one of the paintings that I did......these two particular poses are Virginity and Fertility.........I made a ground colour of green for this, as Virginity is an emotive word to Blue and Fertility is an emotive word to Red and both colours are connected to green.........As Blue, Yellow and Green are both placed together within the colour wheel, these were the main colours that I used to show the model in her virginity pose......then, for the Fertility pose - as the main colour was Red, I used Yellow, Green, Orange and Blue - Green was used as it contrasts with Red, Orange because it is a result of Yellow and Red and Blue because Blue can be mixed with Red within the wheel.........
Also, the two different poses are placed over each other to see how that would effect the piece. I'm rather pleased with them, but then again I enjoy using random colours rather than the actual colours when painting or drawing anyway......my teachers were really impressed as they said it looked like I was sculpting the model in my paintings and rather than making her flat I showed her as a mass of moving muscles - not the nicest thing to call the model ^_^;; but a compliments a compliment, I explained how i didn't use a brush but painted with my hands and fingers and how I found colours easier to use than the normal skin tones - my teachers were really pleased and called me a 'colourist', I'm not sure if they made that name up but I like it.....it's nice to know that you're not just strange sometimes =_=;;

Anyway, for today I was in a blue and white polka dot dress with my white netting top underneath and a BIG black cardigan on with my jeans and black and white pointed shoes......unfortunately I was getting myself covered in paint, so the only time I could get a picture was in the morning and that was only of my face......sorry ^_^;; But yeah it's a pretty simple design of a chain with a blue bow, a pearl and a bronze heart....
Glitter eyeliner by Eyeko, Bronze colour is done by using eye shadow then covering with gold glitter eyeliner, blue is No.5 Eyeliner and black is just black eyeliner.....
Ok, so I went out that night......as you can see I changed the design on my face completely.....I also drew on two other peoples faces, although only one was planned and the other was me simply trying to fix an attempt that went wrong........This is me and my friend Lucy.....
Here's the design I did for her......she originally wanted a Cherub, which is fine by me but it wouldn't have gone with her outfit so I suggested that I copy the flower pattern on her new dress from Very.co.uk.......luckily she agreed.....I was really chuffed with how it turned out, especially as she liked it!! XD
There were big silver lotus flowers on her dress with smaller bluer ones.....admittedly I coloured one of the flowers pink, but that was to change to colours around and make it a bit more different......I made a few petals fall and added some vines.....
Here was the unplanned one......Lucy decided to draw an Ank on Tom's face......but it looked like a stick man that had a bad back and lost a few limbs (I'm not being horrible that is the most exact that I can describe it!)
So I took the eyeliner and bulked it out until it looked even.....unfortunately that made it bigger than it should have looked, but did allow me to point the ends and allow it an old fashioned cross look......
Hopefully he will never have this done for real as it doesn't suit him, but luckily it sorted it out and made it look like an Ank at least.......so yeah, for once there is a male on here with face art (I have been avoiding asking any male friends incase it didn't work...)
Yeah, here we are acting cool.......if only you knew.....
Ok, so now finally I shall explain what's on MY face.....heck, it's not like this is MY blog or anything huh? XD
But yeah, three connecting chains, holding a diamond, a sliver cross with blue stone and a pearl......
Once again I've used black eyeliner, Glitter eyeliner by Eyeko and Blue eyeliner from No.5
Hope you like it.........
Sorry it's late everyone........hopefully I can keep on top of it one day! ^_^;;