Sunday, 24 October 2010

Bowie Brain

Hi everyone!! <3

Well today is Bowie based as I found to albums in the house that I didnt even realise I had of him! XD I know I sound like a twit....but I'm a big LP collecter when it comes to bands and soloists that I like, especially David Bowie - so today really was quite entertaining as I ended up listening to all his songs on my ipod which I haven't done in AGES!!
So yeah, I have based my face art today of David Bowies album cover of Aladin Sane (did I spell that right? :s) So I was planning on a Lightning bolt look :)

Yes, once I hit town I had to enter HMV for my's me in my David Bowie T-shirt, which you can't see because it was raining and cold for most of the day so I had my big grey military coat glued onto me.....

Getting closer to the face you can see I didn't do a complete lightning bolt......but I will be revisiting this look at somepoint, as the shape of a lightning bolt really works when placed around the eye for some strange reason.......

Now you can see how bad my eyeliner is :-p I really need better blue and pink......but biggest rule of what I do - make do with what's to hand (but don't believe that because I straight away went and bought some new ones for when I next do this!) But yeah, the black was actually easier for me than the filling in with the colours :-s How strange.......the pink on the top of my eye is normal eyeshadow.....I've used eyeliner on my eye instead of eyeshadow before, but a word of warning as it is really easy and if it's glittery it can look amazing - but you have to give it at least 30mins to dry before being allowed to open your eye!!

Here's the other side......yeah, so it's a cute little lightning bolt, but it works and it helped people to ignore the fact that my eye shadow didn't match.......actually I think everyone ignored this and just stared at the other side of my face all of today =_=;;

And here's me proud as a peacock! <3 A woman in Starbucks actually helped my ego out as well, she looked really smartly dressed and like many of the people who say under their breath how odd I look so I really did try to be polite around her and somehow make the waiting for coffee go faster.....but amazingly she actually grabbed me and said that I looked really cool and that it suited me.....That's probably the first time I've ever been lost for words!! XD

This was another epic part of the day.....the racks for CD's that I was standing infront of, I hadn't realised until I went to grab a Brandon Flowers CD that the album I'd copied for my face was actually balancing on a load of others!! Extremely cool and kind of uncanny.......

And finally here are the albums that I found in my collection......Let's Dance and Ashes to Ashes.....

On Lets Dance is:- Cat People, China Girl, Ricochet, Without you, Modern Love, Shake it, Criminal World and Let's Dance...... My dad actually gave me this album when I was little, because he used to sing David Bowie songs to my mum.......yeah they love him and hence I have all his music!! Although I got into him when I was little through my dad singing 'Kooks' whenever I'd been bullied and from watching him play the Goblin King in Jim Henson's the Labrynth......Definitely my favourite movie of ALL time!! XD So yeah, I've always liked him but as I got older I got into his songs, so now I can definitely say I'm a proper fan as I think his songs are amazing!

And here's the other LP that I was even more happy about as I LOVE his song Ashes to's what's on this one - Ashes to Ahses and Mover on...................

Well that's todays post.....if you're not a bowie fan then apologies......if you are then ultimate awesome! Thanks for reading! x

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