Thursday, 30 December 2010

Chrischringle and Christmas Eve I'm finally on the 24th ^_^;; heh funny how these things catch up on ya huh?

So yeah.......normally my christmas eve's are pretty normal, go into town for lunch and possible coffee (even though when I was little I didn't drink coffee I had hot chocolate or tea).....then back home for christmas movies and a chinese takeaway followed by a lot of chocolate and mince pies - yeah, we normally feel quite sick after a while but it's sooooooo worth it! :-P
But yeah, so this year was different.......I got invited out for lunch with my friends at China Blue, then walked my Fables 3 Xbox 360 game over to Piran's so he could borrow it and then - and this is the strangest part - I went to church to sing hymns and light a Chrischringle with my mum and nan.......I realise christmas is a time to be religious and go to church, but I've never followed that particular part (I am Church of England and do believe in God, I've just never gone to church on Christmas Eve before)......but I've got to say that it did seem like a really nice thing to do and the Chrischringle made a lot of sense..........although I do think that you need to be a teenager or perhaps nearer my age for it to work (no offence to the mothers of the very young children but they seriously weren't interested, they just wanted to do whatever was more amusing and would then cry when their respective parent told them off or stopped them because they were meant to be singing or listening - the only reason I feel for these children is that I still remember carol concerts and they are SOOOOOO boring as a child, they still are even at this age but also at this age you realise how much more it means and you just get on with it)

Anyway, on with the blog before I bore you to death..........which wouldn't be good I'm told!

Firstly this is a Chrischringle..........the orange is meant to be the world, the red ribbon (or tape in this case) is the sins of the world, the fruit and sweets on sticks are the fruits of the world and the candle is meant to represent Christ (or the light of the world) the light of the world who died to take away our sins.........if any of that is slightly off, this is off the top of my head from the service so don't hesitate to tell me I'm wrong!!

ok, so this is from the lunch......yeah, I was just finishing and stitching up a gift (a very late gift) for some friends of mine.......heh the twit on the left of me is Luke Cater a long suffering friend......

ooooooh, it's christingle?? woops...........

this was how I looked today.......yeah, I was really interested in going to church NOT! but I did get into it when I was there, I was just kinda dreading it as I walked up to the church and I was late!! Which meant that in my head I'd be walking past all these people in the middle of hymns (ok so I stereotyped it in my head out of paranoia, but I'd really never done it before!), but luckily everyone else was still walking in, the service was just a few explanations on why this event happened every year and then very well known carols and hymns were sung which was brilliant as they were all the ones that I really love to sing but that no choir will ever let me sing NORMALLY!! There's always some old version with trills and modulation and some sort of alto part that meant I had to sing it as if I was a moon martian which is impossible as a martian is from mars and not the moon but you get my yeah, it was actually fun..........

Lit it bad that I had to go up the page and check the spelling again before typing it?!
Plus, see how I look? Well when I walked into the service everyone looked at me like I was a masked hoodlum that was going to steal everything, until I reached my mum and nan - then everyone looked at me like I was the black sheep of the was funny!

yeah, the children went up I was standing with toddlers, I did make the priesty person laugh though as in all seriousness I asked whether I was young enough to be defined as a child while taking one from him - he didn't answer me but he did laugh which I will take as a good thing seeing as normally I sound extremely sarcastic and everyone looks at me like I've just said something positively taboo..... 

after the christingle bit where you sing in the dark with this thing alight............well you blow it out, the lights come on and a few more songs are sung.........

ah this should be up there somewhere, this was my nan getting one........the only way she'd let me post a pic of her was if it was a blurry one, well thankyou for the loophole!

ah yes, the lighting of the tree of light............only problem with this title, if it's the tree of light why was it not lit? heh anyway, I know for a fact that we payed for 10 of those it was quite cool seeing it all bright and shiny :)

oh yeah, guess what came in the post!!! XD heh but yeah, this isn't's one of the free things that she sent me as well........sooooooo cute!! X3

second free thing!! <3

here it is!!! I've bought and put it in a frame for mum for christmas now!! Hope she likes it!!! XD

Ok, so here's the design and today it's straight at the bottom.........well it's i dunno, kinda's basically black eyeliner and gold metallic Barry M yeah, I'll do something cooler for christmas and boxing day promise!! xxxxxxxx

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